1310 Bayswater Avenue, Burlingame, CA 94010. (650) 344-6884.    

Sunday: 5:00 PM (Saturday vigil), 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM,
12:00 noon

Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM, 12:05 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM

Holy Day (Observed) 7:00 AM, 12:05 PM, 7:00 PM
  our parish
  current events & news
  faith formation
  ministries & outreach
  prayer & sacraments


Christ instituted the sacraments of the new law. There are seven: Baptism, Confirmation (or Chrismation), the Eucharist, Penance, the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian's life of faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life.  [Catechism of the Catholic Church 1210]

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Baptism of
Children and Youth
Baptism of Infants
Anointing of the Sick
Holy Orders


Prayer Groups

Call to Holiness Prayer Group
Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Perfect prayer is achieved not with many words but with loving desire. . . .
Everything you do can be a prayer.
St. Catherine of Siena

Everything that one turns in the direction of God is prayer.
St. Ignatius of Loyola

For me, prayer is a surge of the heart;
it is a simple look turned toward heaven,
it is a cry of recognition and of love,
embracing both trial and joy.
St. Therese of Lisieux  


Copyright © 2007. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church.